Friday, June 29, 2012

Dog Days of Summer

It's only the end of June and we have been having +100º for the last several days - and it looks like it's only going to continue.  It's pretty miserable out there.  The only way to somewhat cool off today:

And I was only able to spend less than 2 hours there before becoming completely miserable! 

During these hot, hot days don't forget about your other loved ones: your dogs!!  It's easy for them to be affected by the heat and, in worst case scenarios, have a heat stroke.  Please be aware of signs and symptoms of a heat stroke -- along with ways to prevent them and, if necessary, be aware of what action to take to try to treat them.  Many times once it becomes fully apparent of what is going on - it's the end stages of a heat stroke.  It's very, very scary!! Please be aware and educate yourself!!! Here's a link to read up on some of the basic information:  Dog Heatstroke Survival Guide

No tennis ball for this little lady today!

The picture above -- that is what I call tough love - she brings me her tennis ball and I tell her no, not today.  But if you have ever met this little girl, you know how persistent she is.  I have tried to explain to her it's too hot to go play ball, but she still wants to... and I know I can be a bit of a pushover, but I am definitely not taking this lil lady out in the heat

Yes, it's tough love. 

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